rubber-band move text, gammas, energy-sum, etc test and document SQ: 4D SDB search in 4dg8r [ double matrix inversion again? ] [ Fitting energies - chisq > chisq1 due to moving peaks ] move function comfil from esclev.c and gf3_subs.c to util? - get rid of extern FILE *infile etc. in other modules? --------------------- ss, rs into escl8r/levit8r/4dg8r help ask, askfn : set Cancel button label in special cases?? gls/esc/lev/4dg & motif versions - save ~, especially on exit? *** hpk in ss/rs - is it needed / used? Dialogs: Add level - E, J, pi, (name of new band) Add band? Add text? new .esc/.lev/.4dg file? - files, bkgnd, ecal, effcal, fwhm & shape fit - intensities, energies, both - level_energies? -- need to split get_fit_lev() out of src/libs/gls/fitl.c - width parameters? Settings? - e.g. turn bell on/off spectrum display setup: - apply/reset/cancel, toggle on-off applies typed values, other not-so-nice features - only way to fix is to remember entry values? - remember "disp diff sp" when changing "disp calc. sp" - hide, rather than delete, the dialog on Ok or Cancel? change spectrum zoom mode to be like ex/xa command fit level energies does not always scroll listed output fit width params does not work! 2dp2spn, gatepro3d into Makefile.common *** Reconcile libs/mingtk/minig.h, libs/minig/minig.h : < int set_minig_color_rgb(int color_num, float red, float green, float blue); > int set_minig_color_rgb(float red, float green, float blue); ------------------------------------------- tabbed level schemes unix2unix - include .lev & .4dg files combine4cub - i.e. "anti-split" 2d plots perl <-> gf3 (popen) ------------------------------------------- Functions which are common to escl8ra.c and lev4d.c, and could perhaps be moved to esclevb.c: float effic(float eg) int calc_peaks(void) int disp_dat(int iflag) int disp_many_sp(void) int gate_sum_list(char *ans) ****** int get_bkgnd(void) int get_cal(void) int get_list_of_gates(char *ans, int nc, int *outnum, float *outlist, int get_shapes(void) int num_gate(char *ans, int nc) int project(void) int write_sp(char *ans, int nc) int wspec2(float *spec, char *filnam, char sp_nam_mod, int expand)